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Our Consortium

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The Curtin Reservoir Geophysics Consortium (CRGC) is a partnership between industry and academia and is undertaking research into the acquisition, processing and quantitative interpretation of geophysical data with an emphasis on Australian petroleum exploration and production issues.

Focused on Research

Acknowledged as having inspired a culture of excellence in the field of Geophysics at Curtin University, CEG Director Professor Boris Gurevich was awarded the university’s highest honour for academic staff, the title of John Curtin Distinguished Professor.


06/05/2024 – 2024 CRGC Annual Meeting Dates & Venue Announced

18/12/2023 – 2023 CRGC Annual Meeting Resources Available

The 2023 CRGC annual meeting presentations and recordings have ben uploaded to the Members Resources webpage.

30/11/2023 – 2023 CRGC Annual Meeting Approaching

The annual meeting information are updated on the consortium webpage.

News and Events

16/06/2024 – The Geological Carbon Storage Seismic Monitoring Team won the “2023 Research Team Award for Industry Engagement and Impact” award

As part of the School of Science and Engineering Pro Vice-Chancellor Staff Excellence Awards, the geological carbon storage seismic monitoring team was awarded the Research Team Award for Industry Engagement and Impact. Read more…

16/04/2024 – ASEG’s PREVIEW issue 229 featuring Prof. Boris Gurevich

The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysics featured Professor Boris Gurevich on its PREVIEW issue 229 and as part of the Education Matters section series interviewing leaders from the industry, government and academia. In this interview, Prof. Gurevich shared his views on geophysics education, research and more… Read more.

02/02/2024 – Geophysics Discipline, School of Earth and Planetary Sciences BBQ Event

On 2 February 2024, the Geophysics discipline held a social BBQ event that was well attended by researchers and students from different disciplines within the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Curtin University… Read more

28/06/2023 – A Curtin TLE paper received an Honourable Mention in the category of Best Paper in 2022

A paper by a Curtin PhD student and staff Distributed fibre-optic sensing transforms an abandoned well into a permanent geophysical monitoring array: A case study from Australian South West, by Evgenii Sidenko, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Boris Gurevich, Roman Isaenkov, Ludovic Ricard, Sandeep Sharma, Dominique Van Gent, and Roman Pevzner, published in Volume 41, No. 2, February 2022, received Honourable Mention in the category of Best Paper in The Leading Edge in 2022… Read more

Seismic Soundoff Posdcast: Surface and borehole seismic monitoring of CO2 geological storage

Prof. Roman Pevzner discusses his Honorary Lecture, "Surface and borehole seismic monitoring of CO2 geological storage."

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Seismic Soundoff Posdcast: Seismic's role in geological carbon capture and storage

Prof. Boris Gurevich provides an insider's perspective on the value of expanding your knowledge and awareness of the wide-ranging discipline of geophysics.

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