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Partial saturation

This package compares the results of 1D and 3D random patchy saturation models with time-lapse log data for Nagaoka CO2 geosequestration experiment.

model3_mod.m is the driver script.

Package Name: Partial saturation
Author(s): Eva Caspari and Boris Gurevich, Curtin University
Version: 0.2
Date: 04/03/2008
v.0.2, 26/04/2018, Boris Gurevich, Curtin University & CSIRO
v.0.1, 05/04/2014, Eva Caspari and Boris Gurevich, Curtin University

Publications: Caspari, E., T. Muller, and B. Gurevich, 2011, Time-lapse sonic logs reveal patchy CO2 saturation in-situ: Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L13301, doi:10.1029/2011GL046959.


  • base_std(d1,d2)
    Porosity and vp for certain depth
  • CRMN.m
    Continuous random model of patchy saturation. Paper: Toms, J., T. M. Muller, and B. Gurevich, 2007, Seismic attenuation in porous
    rocks with random patchy saturation: Geophysical Prospecting, 55, 671–678.
  • data_new(dp1,dp2)
    Monitoring and baseline data.
  • model3_mod.m
    Compare the results of 1D and 3D random patchy saturation models with time-lapse log data for Nagaoka CO2 geosequestration experiment (Caspari, Muller, and Gurevich, 2011).
  • RM1D(Kfl1,Kfl2,Sgas,phi,Kdry,mu,ksat,sigma,Mw,kg,b,Hdata)
    1D random patchy saturation model
  • RM1D2(Kfl1,Kfl2,Sgas,phi,Kdry,mu,ksat,sigma,Mw,kg,Hdata)
    1D random patchy saturation model.

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Please acknowledge the source of this software if you use it in any publications:

Caspari, E., and B. Gurevich. Partial Saturation (Version 0.2). Matlab, Windows, Linux. Perth, Western Australia: Curtin University, 2018.

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