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Granular media

The script CN_Contactsurfacearea.m computes coordination number (CN) and contact surface area of a grain from a 3D micro-CT image of a granular pack.

Name: Granular media
Author(s): Zubair Ahmed and Maxim Lebedev, Curtin University.
Version: 0.1
Date: 04/06/2018

Publications: Ahmed and Lebedev (2018). Elastic properties of sands, Part-1: Micro-CT image analysis of grain shapes and their relationship with microstructure, Geophysical Prospecting,

The image should be in ASCII format that has a single column of all the voxel values, each of which represents either a grain label or a void space as 0. Here in this case, it is imported from AVIZO, a commercial software for micro-CT image processing.

Results from this code are used to characterise elastic properties of unconsolidated granular packs using effective medium models based on Hertzian contact theory (Z. Ahmed, and M. Lebedev, 2018): Elastic properties of sands, Part 2: Implementation of contact based model to determine the elasticity of the grains from ultrasonic measurement, Geophysical Prospecting,  under revision).

The file Codes_for_CN.mp4 is a video explaining the algorithm.

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Please acknowledge the source of this software if you use it in any publications:

Ahmed, Z., and M. Lebedev. Granular Media (Version 0.1). Matlab, Windows, Linux. Perth, Western Australia: Curtin University, 2018.

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